Dunno where I have been this last month…
Generally, it is rare for a student to go to sleep during a class of mine, but it does occasionally happen. I don’t wake them up – intentionally… While I used to be offended by what some may have suggested was a lecture-induced coma, my experience and a robust and increasing body of research suggests otherwise.
From general cognition, memory, attention span, and host of other executive cognition processes, the lack of sleep is king. I have begun to randomingly “verbally” poll students with no particular desire to record data. They just don’t appear to sleep much, and when they do, it is binge sleep. I wonder. Students are always telling me how anxious and stressed they are – often self-described as a crushing stress that impairs their learning and their quality of life.
I am perplexed. Back in the day, one wore the all-nighter like a badge of honor. Not so much now, or so it is my perception at the moment. Honestly, I am not sure how it is perceived by the young college student. I need to ask.
I also need to reassess my role in this – if there is one.