Turning Around

Human behavior is complex – or at least it is to me.  Even my own behavior can be perplexing, which of course occurs only when I make an effort to self-diagnose or evaluate an overt action or emotion, AKA personal reflection.  And today, I committed that crime; that is, an adult male who overtly and without forethought, malice, or external stimulus decides to take an emotional dive.

Ouch.  OK, the water was not all that deep.  I don’t swim well in those waters anyway.  And I was up and moving onward in a minute.  But, I did note that technology played an essential role in the modification of the way I do things…  Wait, no, more like technology directly caused me to change a well-established behavior – that of leaving the house and driving somewhere – in this case to class.

I turned around.  Four minutes out, and I turned around.  What, pray tell did I leave behind?  My cell phone?  Wallet?  Briefcase?  Forget to  close the garage door?  Did I leave the A/C on?  Did I forget my gourmet brown bag lunch?  Nope, none of those..  I turned around to fetch my FitBit, that was left in a state of disassociation.


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